pull over at a security checkpoint 意味

  • (治安{ちあん})検問所{けんもんじょ}で車を止める


        security checkpoint:    検問所{けんもんじょ}
        pull over:    {句動-1} : (馬の手綱{たづな}をグイッと引っ張って)馬を止める -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : (車を)片側{かたがわ}[路肩{ろかた}]に寄せる、停止{ていし}させる Pull over, I think I'm going to be
        checkpoint:     checkpoint n. (通行)検問所. 【動詞+】 The police set up roadblocks and checkpoints. 警察はバリケードを作って検問所を設けた. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a border checkpoint 国境検問所 pass a military checkpoint 軍の検問所を通過する. 【前
        have a great pull over:    (人)大いに勝る
        have a pull over:    (人)に勝る
        pull a quilt over oneself:    布団{ふとん}をかぶる
        pull over to the curb:    車を歩道{ほどう}に寄せて止める
        pull over to the kerb:    幅寄せする
        pull over to the shoulder to:    ~するために車を路肩{ろかた}に寄せる
        pull over to the side:    車を道の脇に寄せる
        pull over to the side of a road:    道路{どうろ}の脇に寄る
        pull the plow over a field:    畑を鋤{すき}で耕す
        pull the wool over eyes:     púll the wóol òver O's éyes 1 ((略式))〈人〉をだます. pull the wool over O's eyes 2 ?eye .
        concern over privacy and security:    プライバシーやセキュリティーに懸念{けねん}を抱く


  1. "pull out weeds by the roots" 意味
  2. "pull over" 意味
  3. "pull over a jersey" 意味
  4. "pull over and stopped on the side of the road" 意味
  5. "pull over and take a brief nap" 意味
  6. "pull over to the curb" 意味
  7. "pull over to the kerb" 意味
  8. "pull over to the shoulder to" 意味
  9. "pull over to the side" 意味
  10. "pull over and stopped on the side of the road" 意味
  11. "pull over and take a brief nap" 意味
  12. "pull over to the curb" 意味
  13. "pull over to the kerb" 意味

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